Cengiz Han - Jack Weatherford
Anyone that has read any of my reviews knows that I have a special place in my heart for zombie stories. I don't know why. I do know that should the Zombie Apocalypse ever come into fruition, know that I will be prepared. Chances of survival would be high. Unless they're fast and smart zombies. In that case, I haven't yet figured out what to do. Anywho! After seeing the awesome price of this short story collection (and that it was written by a good blog buddy AND that it had zombies) I immediately bought it. How can I resist a bunch of different zombie stories? Zombies romance? The chance to pick up more survival skills is also hard to resist. All in all, I really did enjoy the collection. In fact, I liked it much better than I thought I would. Some of the stories I really liked, some were creepy, and some were just plain weird. As promised, all of the stories are pretty short. If you don't like one, keep reading, I'm pretty sure you'll love another one. Some of the ones I enjoyed were Promises, Hungry for You, Electricity, and Swimming Lessons. I thought Promises was pretty cute! Yes, a zombie story that was pretty cute. This might sound creepy, but Hungry for You was one of my favorite stories. According to her site, "a police sergeant struggles with a very unusual victim..." It was creepy and really different from other zombie stories you've read. No, I'm serious, it was really different. I liked it because the ending is creepy! And I like creepy! Swimming Lessons was short and creepy. One of those "are you kidding me!?" scenarios. I didn't really get A Prayer for Garlic, but I've seen other reviews and a lot of people liked it. Clearly it is just me! Dead Man's Rose was weird the whole way through and it really creeped me out. The Cure was one that I had to reread to get it. Once I did, I liked it. I didn't like Seven Birds because this one was probably the weirdest of the weird. I did like end though. You go girl! The Perfect Song was different and creepy but not one that I particularly liked. Probably one of my least favorites of the collection. I still don't get Alive :( Arkady, Kain & Zombies was unexpectedly sweet. Seriously, one of my kindle notes is: awwwwwwwwww. Electricity was another story that I liked. And I liked how the text was creatively placed. I liked that the stories had a sweet mix of weird and creepy! And at times, cute. Yeah, I know. That's the same thing I was thinking! Cute, in a zombie book. She does a good job at writing them, what can I say? Really, some of the stories just had me craving more. I loved this short story collection because it's just so different from any zombie stories I've ever read. I'm looking forward to a Volume 2 if she ever decides to come out with one! List of Stories (because I couldn't find it anywhere): A Love to Die For Promises Hungry for You Swimming Lessons A Prayer to Garlic Dead Man's Rose The Cure Seven Birds The Perfect Song Alive Arkady, Kain, & Zombies Electricity
2022-11-14 16:23
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