Frankenstein Nick Carraway, a young man from american missle classes, moves to New York to being a career in finance. His neighbour, Jay Gatsby, who is a mysterious figure living in luxury, throws parties. eventually...
Mary Shelley
Embrace your inner geek with Puffin Pixels Puffin Pixels is a collection of classics featuring pixelated, 8-bit video game cover artwork in the Minecraft style. The scientist Victor Frankenstein is determined to c...
Mary Shelley
Frankenstein This is the story of Doctor ster by putting different parts of dead people together. The monster does not have bad intentions; however, including Dr. Frankenstein, everybody is afraid of his ugly and fri...
Mary Shelley
"Tüm tahminlerim ve ümitlerim boş çıktı ve Tanrı'ya öykünen melek misali sonsuza kadar cehenneme zincirlendim. Muhayyilem capcanlı, analiz gücüm ve uygulama kabiliyetimse güçlüydü. İşte bu niteliklerimin bir araya ge...
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley