
Brett King King itibaren 36040 Brancafora VI, Italy itibaren 36040 Brancafora VI, Italy

Okuyucu Brett King King itibaren 36040 Brancafora VI, Italy

Brett King King itibaren 36040 Brancafora VI, Italy


This book will definitely leave you with your skin crawling! Take a happy couple, Susan and Alex, and put them in a lovely second floor brownstone apartment with their daughter Emma. Add in a somewhat suspect landlady, a doddering old handyman, a house with a secret, and a demonic bedbug invasion, and you’ve got Rosemary’s Bugs of Brooklyn. Susan, with too much time on her hands and a dissatisfied negativity, has convinced herself that her house is crawling with bedbugs, only to be refuted by an exterminator her unaffected husband shakes his head in bewilderment. There is both a psychological element here with Susan’s sanity in question, and a supernatural factor that don’t quite connect. Despite this, the creepy-crawly factor is cringe-inducing and there is enough suspense and foreboding to make this a very quick read. While the writing wasn’t anything exceptional, it was decent storytelling and the author did create great atmosphere. Susan’s paranoia is effectively laid bare as she rips her own skin to pieces and the mysterious bugs threaten her existence. I received a complimentary copy of this book via the Amazon Vine program.


Although there are some new elements and a major piece of the mystery is finally uncovered (not until the almost end of the book) it felt for the most part like a reworking Shade. It's like a TV series that always wants to end on a cliff hanger so the first 20 minutes are semi-filler and the last 10 is the only part worth watching. After a while that can get frustrating and you find yourself googling what happened so you don't have to watch anymore until the big finale. Let's hope a third book will be full of new material and perspective.