
Jay Calis Calis itibaren Wipperdorf, Германия itibaren Wipperdorf, Германия

Okuyucu Jay Calis Calis itibaren Wipperdorf, Германия

Jay Calis Calis itibaren Wipperdorf, Германия


This was a re-read of a book I've owned for years but haven't picked up in recent memory. I'd forgotten how much I like the character development of Putney's Fallen Angel series.


Very cute. MC Escherlike in ways that weren't always fun, but it was cute. Some of the most troubling questions this book raised the author chose not to address in any deep or satisfying way. I found the ending very improbable as well, but the events leading up to the big climax were were satisfying and very effective and I chose to see them as the 'real' ending.


One Hundred Years of Solitude was like no book I had ever read, or have read since. Much of it was gorgeous, and it's a book with fully functioning viscera. On the other hand, it was a book that I read over a long period of time. I would read a bit, then put it aside. There were scenes I found moving, and sections where I cared about particular characters... but then I'd follow them into a sequence of relatively random events (usually of some symbolic import when I'd think about it later) and my interest would trail off. And yes, he had reasons for giving everyone variations on the same names, but the chief effect it had was to periodically knock me right out of the flow of the narrative, as I'd have to reread a paragraph a few times and/or flip back through what I'd already read to get the characters straight.