
Thomas CARDINAL CARDINAL itibaren Çevirme Köyü itibaren Çevirme Köyü

Okuyucu Thomas CARDINAL CARDINAL itibaren Çevirme Köyü

Thomas CARDINAL CARDINAL itibaren Çevirme Köyü


the structure of this novel is unusual. But its like you get 6 novels by 6 different authors all in one book.


Harper Connelly, the lightning-struck heroine of this series of mysteries by Charlaine Harris, has fallen in love with her step-brother Tolliver. Work has brought them back to where they grew up, in Texarkana, Texas. A startling revelation at a graveyard leads to possible new leads in the disappearance of Harper's older sister, Cameron, nearly 8 years ago. Anonymous tips, reconnecting with family members, and hidden motivations abound in this last installment that neatly ties up the mystery that is Harper Connelly's life. There is a little left at the end so that the series *could* continue, should Harris so desire, while there is enough closure that readers will not feel as though they are missing anything important. Well done!