
Janine Pro Pro itibaren Chlum nad Jihlavou, Tschechische Republik itibaren Chlum nad Jihlavou, Tschechische Republik

Okuyucu Janine Pro Pro itibaren Chlum nad Jihlavou, Tschechische Republik

Janine Pro Pro itibaren Chlum nad Jihlavou, Tschechische Republik


A very interesting, precisely detailed (more on that later), spine-tingling murder thriller. The way Koontz writes keeps you riveted, because he pays attention to every detail, the way Billy Wiles carves wood, decorates his house, eats, or even sneaks into a house that may or may not contain a vicious, cunning killer. Not perfect, but perfectly designed to keep you reading while simultaneously freaking you out. Scary, mysterious, and thrilling. Towards the end it can get a bit graphic, but that's only more so than it had been, and I think that that is rather expected of a murder thriller, anyway. Also, I couldn't help but think that the ending left some things to be desired; it felt somewhat like he didn't think the concluding sequences through as much as he did the rest of the book. All around, though, it's a story worthy of your free time. Read it.


Half Indian killer for hire Blackbird has just completed a contract in Detroit and heads north to Canada in the blue Cadillac he took for payment. Leaving a restaurant he is accosted by a ex con who planned to steal the caddy, but instead the team up to hold up a real estate salesman for protection money. Things go bad and they are chased off by a steelworker whose wife worked in the office. Now the pair are out to get the couple but run into all sorts of problems. The Ex con is really trigger happy and he and Blackbird barely get along. More would give away too much so I'll stop here.


I read this a few months ago and I wasn't a big fan of it. It'sjustnot my kind of book. I don't remember why exactly, just wasn't left with a good taste in my mouth afterwards.