
Daniel Dupre Dupre itibaren 72500 Kayadüzü Köyü/Sason/Batman, Turkey itibaren 72500 Kayadüzü Köyü/Sason/Batman, Turkey

Okuyucu Daniel Dupre Dupre itibaren 72500 Kayadüzü Köyü/Sason/Batman, Turkey

Daniel Dupre Dupre itibaren 72500 Kayadüzü Köyü/Sason/Batman, Turkey


I think you can never match Frank Herbert's scope and his style. Christopher Tolkien has a lot more material to work from and he has trouble matching his father. The prequels are a great primer for the series. Does give you adequate back-story. I was a bit disappointed that it didn't lead me almost directly into the saga itself, instead placing me about 15 years prior to the beginning of "Dune." But it does make me want to begin re-reading Frank Herbert's works again. Not a bad job. Not fantastic and mind-blowing. But interesting enough to make me satisfied.


Sarah Montambo and Marie saw me looking longingly at this morbid book, picking it up to read the back and putting it down several times, and since they're both generous, attentive, kind, and LOADED$$$...j/k on that last one, but the rest of it is true and they got me this book! Present!! It looks much cooler than it's turning out to be, for my uncultured and poorly educated taste. But I love it for being a gift from friends who noticed and acted. Who has people like that in their lives? Lucky ones. That would include me. Thank you, Sarah Montambo and Marie! I'm glad to know you both!


I was expecting so much more from this book. It was so slow at times -- and very predictable. However, I did really sympathize with most of the characters. The main emphases were organized religion and the death penalty -- heady topics which were treated in such a parochial manner that it was distracting at times. I wasn't "heartwrenched" at all. Stephen King, are you pissed? Oh, and what is up with mentioning the Prius 10,000 times? Were you paid a promotional fee?