
Leslie Roumilhac Roumilhac itibaren 46700 Yolboyu Köyü/Pazarcık/Kahramanmaraş, Turkije itibaren 46700 Yolboyu Köyü/Pazarcık/Kahramanmaraş, Turkije

Okuyucu Leslie Roumilhac Roumilhac itibaren 46700 Yolboyu Köyü/Pazarcık/Kahramanmaraş, Turkije

Leslie Roumilhac Roumilhac itibaren 46700 Yolboyu Köyü/Pazarcık/Kahramanmaraş, Turkije


5 stars for readability and reporting doggedness and my interest in the subject ... 3 stars for sometimes making it seem like most of the work of ed reform is done by wealthy men far from the classroom (some of it is, no doubt, and the work of foundations and individuals is extremely important, but that's definitely not the only -- or, I'd argue, main -- story) and for being too black-and-white about who has the right ed reform ideas and who doesn't. But there are some things that Brill gets exactly right. It's important to hold high expectations for students. Poverty matters, of course, but doesn't mean that we should throw up our hands and not try relentlessly to give every student a terrific education. And there are a lot of people working hard and working creatively to try to make it a reality that all children have an opportunity to get a great education. That's what makes me excited about the future of ed reform.