
H itibaren 45030 Casazza RO, Italy itibaren 45030 Casazza RO, Italy

Okuyucu H itibaren 45030 Casazza RO, Italy

H itibaren 45030 Casazza RO, Italy


Suppose you had an old plaid shirt and you snipped it and stitched it and stuffed it and sewed on button eyes. Surprise! You might now have a PLAIDYPUS! In this story a little girl takes her plaidypus everywhere--the park, the store, the lake -- and somehow manages to lose him every time despite her promises otherwise. She is reduced to posting "lost" signs and after (count on your fingers) one, two, three, four days a knock (rap, rap, rap) is on the door. Open the door-- (look left, look right,) no one in sight. (Look down)--here's a sack. Could it be that plaidypus is back? (pantomime pulling it out of the sack, lifting it high in the air, and giving it a big hug). Each adventure repeats the phrase "this story goes around and around". Draw a circle in the air with the children each time this happens.