
J itibaren 98068 Malaborsa ME, Italy itibaren 98068 Malaborsa ME, Italy

Okuyucu J itibaren 98068 Malaborsa ME, Italy

J itibaren 98068 Malaborsa ME, Italy


This book really sucks you in and doesn't let you out until the last page. If you're someone who reads a lot of fiction late at night curled up in bed, you'll identify with the main character quite a bit as she takes you along on her journey to solve a mystery. The plot moves, the characters are refreshing, unpredictable and understandable. It's no high literary feat, but it is fun. Kind of like The Other Bolyen Girl only a mystery. The only detracting element for me was the sub-plot of the main character and her lingering childhood issues - they were distracting, silly and not entirely credible. This book didn't require the addition of a ghost from the past dressed as closure on childhood suffering to make it fun - it already was.