
Debi Pickler Pickler itibaren Уиллингем, Кембридж, Кембриджшир CB24 5ET, Великобритания itibaren Уиллингем, Кембридж, Кембриджшир CB24 5ET, Великобритания

Okuyucu Debi Pickler Pickler itibaren Уиллингем, Кембридж, Кембриджшир CB24 5ET, Великобритания

Debi Pickler Pickler itibaren Уиллингем, Кембридж, Кембриджшир CB24 5ET, Великобритания


Heart of a Champion Heart of A Champion by Carl Dueker is a sports fiction novel about a teen growing up with two best friends, baseball and the best player at the game he had ever seen; Jimmy Winter. Seth the protagonist is living a normal life in his town just out side of the beautiful San Francisco. When his father suddenly has a seizure and the concierges at the hotel ignored his phone call mistakening him for just another drunk making a prank call, Seth's life changes forever. After losing the case of his father Seth retreats to one of his favorite parks and that is where his life is changed. There he meets Jimmy, a tall lean baseball playing machine, who shows Seth how to play the game of baseball the ‘correct’ way. Once in high school the double-play creating duo is caught up in the world of girls, drugs, and most emphasized; alcohol. When both Seth and Jimmy get stuck on the stuff, it affects both their play on the field and there attitude off the field. While reading this book, I found the reason why I love baseball so much. I choose this book at the last second on the shelf and the week earlier I saw Will reading it so I snatched it off the bookcase. I loved this book, it is one of the best books if have read, it has shown me why baseball is “America’s game” and why people love it so much.


in theis book hannah baker tells the readers thirteen reasons why she decied to swallow a bottle of pills and kill herself. Hannah tells 13 stories about people who have impacted her life for better or worse. the story is told before she killed herself, she decided to make some tapes on a tape recorder and send them to the 13 people who have impacted their life. in the book the main character besides hannah baker is one of the 13 people. he describes his feelings for the things she did and he feels like it is his fault, and he could have dont something to save her. the setting takes place with clay jenson. he soon realizes that he couldnt have saved her.