
Dawn Mcgill Mcgill itibaren Äit Youssef, Tafersit, Morocco itibaren Äit Youssef, Tafersit, Morocco

Okuyucu Dawn Mcgill Mcgill itibaren Äit Youssef, Tafersit, Morocco

Dawn Mcgill Mcgill itibaren Äit Youssef, Tafersit, Morocco


This book is both one of the best I’ve read in a long time and quite disappointing. The excellent part has to do with Rebecca and Adam’s loss of their daughter—and the author treats the subject with sensitivity and heart-wrenching realism. The disappointing part is that a considerable portion of the last half of the book is a short story written by a friend of Rebecca’s. I always feel a bit cheated when an author slips a basically unrelated story into a narrative (A.S.Byatt does this as well). Is this the only way to get the piece published? Did the author run out of steam with the main plot? If I were writing an essay for a college English class I could draw strong parallels between the main narrative and the short story and probably justify it’s inclusion—but really—I’d rather not.