Stephanie Baldin Baldin itibaren 840 50 Fjäl, Sweden
Best (so far) synopsis of how we got ourselves into the horrific mess we're in. Starts in primate prehistory and reaches for a total explanation. Extremely good from roughly 1000 b.c. to present. Earlier times covered are speculation, included I think by the intellectual's compulsion for completeness. Thus, the first three chapters should be read with grains of salt; don't despair, because you will hit the meat midway through chp 3, and nutritious meat it is, for the rest of the book.
Wildly fascinating. I generally don't like "mystery" books...but loved this on to the rest of the series...
A lovely 19th century melodrama (panorama) that cynically observes the plights of womanhood to be equally born of social restrictions and women's passive acceptance of their own degradation and unhappiness.