
Diego D D itibaren 72170 Juillé, Ranska itibaren 72170 Juillé, Ranska

Okuyucu Diego D D itibaren 72170 Juillé, Ranska

Diego D D itibaren 72170 Juillé, Ranska


E probabil cartea in care se vadeste cel mai clar stiinta aceea unica a lui Nabokov de a evoca la tot pasul o memorie mereu vie, mereu la panda, gata sa se rostogoleasca spre noi de la inaltimea celor apr.600 de pagini ale volumului sau dinspre vocile de nonagenari perfect multumiti ale protagonistilor. Stati linistiti, nu e inca o carte despre batranete, nici vorba. E o poveste despre memorie, cea mai minunata, a uneipovesti de iubire pentru care timpul nu e decat un prilej de reordonare a datelor. Doi adolescenti descopera dragostea libera de legile incestului si ale varstei, si stiu sa dea unei aventuri consistenta care sa o transforme intr-o mare iubire. Memoriei lor i se suprapune in text o veritabila memorie culturala, pentru ca Nabokov stie sa faca din eroii sai niste genii ale referintelor si ale jocurilor intertextuale si evocatorii. Aproape fiecare paragraf pare sa faca semn intr-o sumedenie de directii, de la cultura rusa la cresterea fluturilor, si de la problemele sexuale ale preadolescentilor la cele mai savante jocuri cu limbajul poetic. Oricum, inca un roman dupa care ai nevoie de convalescentza.


A short book - about 200 pages - this is a memoir of the editor of many cookbook authors, including Julia Child. My favorite parts were when Mrs. Jones shared her philosophies about food and how it connects us to nature and to our history. She is also very encouraging about being inventive in using the items you have on hand and not worrying about following someone else's recipe. It is a bit like she has sat down with you in the kitchen to chat about her experiences, which are fascinating, but leave you wanting more.


This book has some great recipies, (there are 365 but some are often just variations 5 times of Mac and cheese) I find I have to "plan" to cook from her book as oftern her ingredients are not what i have in the house so it makes it a long planning session, The meals however are always wonderful


Hands down the best book I have ever read. It was amazing. I loved the characters, and Clare and Henry's relationship throughout time was enthralling to read about. I got the chance to talk to the author a few months ago, and she said that the rumors are true - they are making it into a movie. I don't know if the movie could possibly be as good though. Loved it.