
Nat itibaren Göktepe, 63900 Göktepe/Hilvan/Şanlıurfa, Turkey itibaren Göktepe, 63900 Göktepe/Hilvan/Şanlıurfa, Turkey

Okuyucu Nat itibaren Göktepe, 63900 Göktepe/Hilvan/Şanlıurfa, Turkey

Nat itibaren Göktepe, 63900 Göktepe/Hilvan/Şanlıurfa, Turkey


Alan's journey after losing everything he loves is inspiring and promotes hope and a great love for life. I was touched by the tenderness of this man's journey. I can't wait to read the sequel!


Never read his controversial "memoirs" but this book was just flat out great. Crazy, frustrating, at times oddball but never boring. I might now go read his non-fiction books just because this one novel has turned me into such a fan. Screw you, Oprah!