
Gabrielly Gon Gon itibaren Sangariya, Rajasthan 312024, Hindistan itibaren Sangariya, Rajasthan 312024, Hindistan

Okuyucu Gabrielly Gon Gon itibaren Sangariya, Rajasthan 312024, Hindistan

Gabrielly Gon Gon itibaren Sangariya, Rajasthan 312024, Hindistan


The passage of time seems like a long time for Butch O' Neil. He lives as an outsider in the human world as well as the vampire world. Butch is tired of what is always in front of him in the mirror. He is in love with a vampire named Marrisa, she is part of the glymara. Which naturally means that she is untouchable to him because she is so important to them. So Butch is alone and drinking at Zero Sum a local night club where the Black Dagger Brotherhood likes to hang out. When he gets tired of his existence that he goes for a walk. On his walk Butch gets captured by the Brotherhood's enemy the Lessers. Butch gets tortured for hours. Until the Omega the leader of the Lessening Society lets him go along with a little souvenir he puts inside Butch. Vishous is the one who finds Butch and takes him to Haver's clinic that would be Marrisa's brother. There Butch is under quarantine after the thing that was inside him was taken out. When Marrisa gets a phone call from Vishous about Butch she rushes to his side because she loves him. A short while later Butch gets out and tells Marrisa how he feels. But he also tells her that he can't be with her just yet because of what was done to him. So naturally Marrisa gets pissed off. So Marrisa leaves because later that evening she has to be well rested because she is going to a Princeps Council meeting. When Marrisa goes to the meeting and after she comes home she finds all her things packed away, and Havers is standing at the door. Haver's tells Marrisa that she has to leave tonight because he can't deal with her drama. So she leaves and goes to the Brotherhood mansion to stay. While there Butch and her reconcile their love for each other, but her antics get to be to much. And they remind Butch of how he couldn't save his own sister. Butch decides then and there that he would not stay with the Brothers an outcast much longer. So Vishous stops him and tells him to give him three days to figure something out so they wouldn't have to kill him for leaving. Eventually Vishous finds something called an Ancestor Regression that tells Butch that he is Wrath's cousin, which means that he does have vampire in him. The next day they change him into a vampire. Soon after that Marrisa gets a call from Butch to come home from her new job as a social worker. Marrisa is told that Butch is going in as a fighter and she flips and stops seeing Butch. Until at the club Butch is caught up in a fight to save to pre-transitioned males. At the end of the fight the Brothers Vishous and Rhage take the to males to their parents house. There Butch is approached by the Fore Lesser. He tells Butch to end his suffering by killing him because Butch is a savior to the ones that have been in the lessening Society the longest. Only the Omega shows up and kills the Fore Lesser himself. Butch then gets confronted by the Omega. Then the Scribe Virgin comes and banishes him from there. Butch needs some time alone so he asks the Brothers to let him drive back alone. And that is when Marrisa's weakness shows and Butch takes her to the truck and feeds her. Then they go their separate way. The next night Butch gets inducted into the Brotherhood. When they arrive back at the mansion Butch sees all the females of the house were there. He couldn't look at them because he wished that Marrisa was there. But then the females parted and there was the love of her life. They get back together and Butch takes her to see his mother and to say goodbye to his old human family and embraces his new family as a new beginning.