
Ana Ximena Perez Cornejo Ximena Perez Cornejo itibaren 4209 Oberthal, Austria itibaren 4209 Oberthal, Austria

Okuyucu Ana Ximena Perez Cornejo Ximena Perez Cornejo itibaren 4209 Oberthal, Austria

Ana Ximena Perez Cornejo Ximena Perez Cornejo itibaren 4209 Oberthal, Austria


The Sexes is a small collection of Dorothy Parker's short stories about relationships, and is published as part of Penguin's mini modern classics series. The first story, the Sexes, is a masterclass in dialogue: taught, lucid, and oozing with an admixture of cultural, emotional and interpersonal tension. As a singular comment on the complex narrative that exists between the sexes, it is an aggressive shot across the bow against those that seek to deny the differences between the genders. The Lovely Leave offers a fly-on-the-wall perspective of the intricacies that lie behind the facade of a loving relationship. An education for those yet to experience loving relationships, and a mirror for everyone else, it's a pristine example of how to clothe reality in fiction. Like all collections, not all stories are crafted equally, and the Little Hours is the runt of the litter, a meandering story with little purpose other than to showcase a litany of quotations and the sharp poise of Parker’s prose. The final two stories, Glory in the Daytime and Lolita, bring the book to an ordered conclusion. Glory in the Daytime is a sharp vignette contrasting the human costs of fame against the droll existence of normalcy, and Lolita is a strange but elegant story of the smallness of attitude fostered by small town life. The Sexes is an perfectly tempered collection of short stories that not only underlines the genius of Dorothy Parker, but also serves as a intricate lesson about the complexities of human emotion and sexual politics. And apart from being a taut read, it serves as a gentle reminder that–for those willing to look–the richness of life is there to marvel at just beyond the graceful vision of our eyes.


Aaahh, I have nothing else from the library right now! So I did pick up the last two historical fiction romances by this author, because I admit it, the promise of some time traveling pulled me in. So this one also had some soap-opera moments, again, but the time traveling was fun, and I do enjoy historical fiction. Still too much of a romance for me, but at least it was a pretty clean one.