
TIAN Yuan Yuan itibaren 07700 Eskihisar Köyü/Elmalı/Antalya, Türkiye itibaren 07700 Eskihisar Köyü/Elmalı/Antalya, Türkiye

Okuyucu TIAN Yuan Yuan itibaren 07700 Eskihisar Köyü/Elmalı/Antalya, Türkiye

TIAN Yuan Yuan itibaren 07700 Eskihisar Köyü/Elmalı/Antalya, Türkiye


'The Eye of the World' is a very well done book; it endears you to the characters, and has a certain idealized simplicity which becomes shattered when you find out what the protagonist really is: the world savior. Fun! Exciting! Don't get too attached...


My humanities teacher Leona recommened this book to me. She has not read this book but plenty of people recommened it to her. Now I think I would recommend it to people who like books about teenage drama or to just teenagers in general. I would do this because when ur a teenager you might want to be "down" and in order to do that you may think you have to get in trouble, do drugs, or do what other people do. In this book clay is on the influence of smokin weed with his friends and he trys to stop because he's in a rehab, but when he's with his friends and they bring out a joint he has to be down and smoke with them if he doesn't he feels like they will call him names. Also his cusin Addison sells drugs and gambles. When he doesn't get his money from someone and chases him to the rooftop he gets shot by a white cop because he was black and the cop thought he had gun.