Joshua Nelson Nelson itibaren Siverić, Hırvatistan
Şüphesiz, mutlaka okunması gereken bir klasik. Ancak, kahramanı o kadar sığ ve tahriş edici buldum (tamamen bu nokta olsa da), hikayeye istediğim kadar katılmanın zor olduğunu gördüm. Ancak, bu benim kişisel tepkim ve F. Scott Fitzgerald'ın sadece bir kitabını okuduysanız, bu olmalı.
Interrelated stories that don't really go anywhere is how I'd describe this book. There really isn't a plot; it's just a chronicle of several women's dating, work, and daily lives after college. The name that comes up the most is Isabella, who starts out the book. She's mentioned in most, if not all, of the chapters, even when the focus is on someone else. Apparently she has a lot of friends. It would have been nice to get some follow-up on someone like Abby. The story just peters out at the end and doesn't have a real conclusion.
It's a children's book that has an incredibly slow pace. Just when I thought it might start picking up (half way through the book), it ended and the Explicarium, aka glossary, began. The premise is interesting and there's a good mystery waiting for book two, but hopefully the author will add more verbs than adjectives.
This is a great book to read to kids that may be going to the dentist for the first time. It shows how many have teeth and what they can be used for. It also shows many things we should not do with them. Teaching kids about the uses of teeth and how it is important to go to the dentist is very important. Thumbs up for this wonderful teaching book.