
Alexandra C C itibaren Sambo Creek, Honduras itibaren Sambo Creek, Honduras

Okuyucu Alexandra C C itibaren Sambo Creek, Honduras

Alexandra C C itibaren Sambo Creek, Honduras


Say what you want about this book. Overdone, overblown, overly dramatic. Yes. He drops anvils like Wylde E. Coyote. He's about as subtle as my dog when he needs to pee. Yes. But I love this book anyway. I just adore it, and you can't talk me out of it! It is my favorite Dickens novel. All of the aforementioned may be completely true, but I think that with the subject and time period that Dickens is dealing with, he can get away with it. Was there anything subtle or restrained about the Terror? I'm going to go with no. People during that time, at least according to my reading, felt the hand of 'destiny' and 'fate' and other grand things around them. I think it evokes the overall spirit of the era to perfection. This is sensationalism, done right. If you're going to read only one Dickens novel, please skip over Great Expectations and try this one instead. It's the better choice.