
Danila Shaykin Shaykin itibaren Andreev Klyuch, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Rusya, 662941 itibaren Andreev Klyuch, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Rusya, 662941

Okuyucu Danila Shaykin Shaykin itibaren Andreev Klyuch, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Rusya, 662941

Danila Shaykin Shaykin itibaren Andreev Klyuch, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Rusya, 662941


This is by far the most intriguing fantasy book i personally have read (aside of course from the second in the trilogy). The Golden Compass is a grand adventure, is extremely original, and is definitely not cheesy or trite. Amazon: The protagonist of this complex fantasy is young Lyra Belacqua, a precocious orphan growing up within the precincts of Oxford University. But it quickly becomes clear that Lyra's Oxford is not precisely like our own--nor is her world. For one thing, people there each have a personal daemon, the manifestation of their souls in animal form. This is the first novel in an extremely popular trilogy and while some children have read it, it is one of the few novels read by people of all ages (my dad was the one who recommended it to me!). To be truthful though, there were a few parts that were a tad slow (thus only four stars). Still, it was an excellent story.