
Olga Zavershinskaya Zavershinskaya itibaren Vesna-2, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusija itibaren Vesna-2, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusija

Okuyucu Olga Zavershinskaya Zavershinskaya itibaren Vesna-2, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusija

Olga Zavershinskaya Zavershinskaya itibaren Vesna-2, Respublika Tatarstan, Rusija


Spoiler Set on a desolate farm in the Mississippi Delta at the end of World War II, this novel explores the complex relations between two families: the owners of the land, and the sharecroppers who live and work on it. Two main characters are young (in their 20’s) heroes returning home from the war, one white the other black both suffering from post traumatic stress. The black guy is shocked that a back home he is still just another “n” word. White guy murders his own racist father after he has to choose his friend’s punishment for being with a white girl – they cut out his tongue. I learned more about racism in this book than I did from To Kill A Mocking Bird. And in-between there was a story in itself of a city girl who marries the white soldier’s older brother and lives a life of farm hell; of course she falls in love with the younger brother. How could I not like this novel?