
Michael Vorstandlechner Vorstandlechner itibaren Stockton, NY 14784, USA itibaren Stockton, NY 14784, USA

Okuyucu Michael Vorstandlechner Vorstandlechner itibaren Stockton, NY 14784, USA

Michael Vorstandlechner Vorstandlechner itibaren Stockton, NY 14784, USA


Another great piece of fiction from Tan.


Z1N1: The Zombie Pandemic: 2012 Was Just the Beginning By Mitchell Layne Cook Now there seem to be an ever increasing number of Zombie books over the last few years and I almost consider it my fault. Now by that I just mean that I like to read them, you know a supply and demand thing. Now Z1N1 took me a little while to get into building up the back-story and creating the bad guys, greedy capitalist pigs. I don’t have much to criticize about the story though. Once I got into it I finished it in a day. I liked how they went into a bit more detail with the how, and even the how the powers that be might choose to deal with it. Cook’s zombies are faster and smarter than the average Z, therefore scarier to me. I also liked showing how it wasn’t just the Zombie’s you had to worry about but the remaining humans as well, both the people on the road and the crazy religious people at the end. Its ending is a good set up for part II. Overall I enjoyed it and if you like this genre I think you will as well. I resisted spoilers but there are a few very realistic (in Z world) anyway things that happen that produce strong visuals, mental note stay away from schools.