
Patrick Sterlzig Sterlzig itibaren Échevronne, France itibaren Échevronne, France

Okuyucu Patrick Sterlzig Sterlzig itibaren Échevronne, France

Patrick Sterlzig Sterlzig itibaren Échevronne, France


Ms. Andrews is a genius. In NO ANGEL, she's written a versatile, take-me-anywhere story that you can read on a beach, on an airplane, or in a hospital waiting room. The fast-paced romantic adventure is light and comic without being inconsequential; the world-building is intriguing and creative without demanding a great deal of attention on the reader's part. You won't need to keep track of a dozen plot threads or settings here. Ms. Andrews makes it easy on her readers, and that's a skill possessed by far too few writers in any genre. If you like Jennie Cruisie, try Vivi Andrews, and keep your eyes peeled for more offerings from this young, Golden-Heart-winning star. I know I will!