
Art Espinosa Cury Espinosa Cury itibaren インド 〒444403 マハーラーシュトラ ジロリ itibaren インド 〒444403 マハーラーシュトラ ジロリ

Okuyucu Art Espinosa Cury Espinosa Cury itibaren インド 〒444403 マハーラーシュトラ ジロリ

Art Espinosa Cury Espinosa Cury itibaren インド 〒444403 マハーラーシュトラ ジロリ


I was hooked on her writing. They are researched history books with the character experiencing the events. This book disappointed me when I could not continue the trilogy.


3 n a 1/2 Stars actually! Loved this book!! The story opened in the perfect way. I loved every bit of the action and of course, it had one of my most favorite things in it-a kick ass, smart mouthed heroine. I did not like Bones right away. But gradually, he became awesomer and awesomer. Another thing which always tips the scales for me is good humor and this book had that down pat. I also loved Spades and would want to read more about him and meet Ian. There was no one big bad wolf till the very end and I liked that-it made the story more interesting. Oh and I hated the mom's guts like I was supposed to. It was only the too-typical ending that kept me from rating this book 4 stars. Onward to the next one!