Samuel James Bennett James Bennett itibaren Nawabpet, Telangana 506356, Hindistan
Bu benim Aralık / Ocak akılsız okumamdı. Oğlum yıllardır onları okumamı istiyor çünkü onları çok seviyor. Ne yazık ki, yaptığımı söyleyemem! Heyecan verici, arsa odaklı kitaplar, ama bana göre Harry Potter'dan bariz bir kopuş.
Great audio!
Log, fanciful -- but I'm not really sure it's worth it!
I'm not going to pretend to like this because its considered a modern classic and certainly not because "ooh he was in the war, its anti-war you see!" sentiment. Wasn't particularly witty despite being promised that it was.
Dean Koontz used to be pretty good (this is one of his earlier novels). His last few books have been pretty schmaltzy, formulaic, and not at all scary.