Sokak Kedisi Bob - James Bowen Yabancı Yayınevi ücretsiz

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Sokak Kedisi Bob - James Bowen Yabancı Yayınevi ücretsiz

Sokak Kedisi Bob - James Bowen Yabancı Yayınevi ücretsiz tam sürüm

Sokak Kedisi Bob - James Bowen Tam 2 dile çevrilen gerçek bir öykü. Bu kitapta okuyacaklarınız hayal ürünü değil. #1 Times Bestseler Sokaklarda yaşayan James Bowen yaralı bir sarman bulduğunda hayatının ne denli değişeceğini bilmiyordu. Kıt kanat geçiniyordu ve son ihtiyacı olan şey bir kediydi. Oysa tanıştıktan sonra ayrılmaz bir ikili oldular ve birbirlerinin yaralarını sardılar. Sokak Kedisi Bob herkesin yüreğine işleyecek, umut dolu ve sıcacık, gerçek bir hikâye…  “Yaralı bir sarmanın sokaklarda yaşayan bir adamın hayatını nasıl değiştirdiğine dair sıcak ve etkileyici bir hikâye…  Yayımlandığı andan itibaren çok satanlar listesine giren bu kitap, hayat dolu bir dostluk hikâyesi olmasının yanı sıra sokaklardaki hayatın ne denli adaletsiz olduğunu da gözler önüne seriyor. ” —The Guardian “Yürekleri ısıtan bir umut mesajı…” —Daily Mail  “James ve Bob’un ilk imza gününde hayranları metrelerce kuyruk oluşturdu. Uslu kedi Bob, sadece iki sate tam 180 kitap imzaladı. ” —Bokseler.


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  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 21,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Sokak Kedisi Bob - James Bowen


I ended up enjoying this book a lot more than I thought I would when I first started reading it. Things really picked up around chapter six and then I couldn't stop reading until I finished the book. It had a happy-sad sort of ending, but it was satisfying to me. There were definite pros and cons to Sally's life and the decisions she made as Lady Duff Gordon's ladies maid. The same went for Lady Duff Gordon and Omar, her loyal servant. The story was thoroughly engrossing and I found myself living in Egypt back in the mid 1800s. It was quite an adventure. I found the cultural aspects of the story fascinating and the romance quite intriguing. The Mistress of Nothing was a love story for certain, but it had a bittersweet feel to it that I found quite addicting. Sometimes those stories are the best kind because in real life everything isn't peaches and cream, plus every decision made has ramifications that are far-reaching. I loved the part where Sally discovered that part of the problem was that she didn't "think" about what she was doing. She just gave herself over to it, reveled in it even. That type of impulsive behavior is often most destructive because usually it's not until the consequences are right in front of us that we realize things didn't have to go that route in the first place. But by then it was too late. It sounds like I'm talking in code, I know. But it's the only way to share my thoughts without giving a spoiler. All in all I really enjoyed this book. It started out a bit tedious, but once I became engrossed in the story I had to keep reading until I finished it. It had a unique feel to it sort of like "The English Patient," but not as tragic. Very compelling story and well worth the read.

2022-09-01 12:40

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