2 - ÇAMURDAN MEYVE OLUR MU? Nesil Çocuk Yayınları ücretsiz

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2 - ÇAMURDAN MEYVE OLUR MU? Nesil Çocuk Yayınları ücretsiz

2 - ÇAMURDAN MEYVE OLUR MU? Nesil Çocuk Yayınları ücretsiz tam sürüm

"Benim Güzel Alah`ım? Dizisi, çocuk dostlarımıza Yüce Alah`ı tanıtmak ve sevdirmek için hazırlandı. Alah`a iman konusunda onların dünyasında temel oluşturmaya yönelik bir tarz ve anlatım benimsendi. On kitaptan oluşan bu dizinin her bir hikâyesinde Alah`ın varlığı, birliği, büyüklüğü ve diğer iman esaslarına dair önemli mesajlar yer alıyor. Bu dizi çocuklara hayatı yaşarken her adımda yürekten gelen bir sesle "Benim Güzel Alah`ım? sözünü söyletmeyi amaçlıyor.


2 - ÇAMURDAN MEYVE OLUR MU? ücretsiz online oku ve dinle

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  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 3,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri



Every November in Thisby, the capaill uisce (water horses) rise from the surf. They are strong, fast, and deadly. And every November, the people of the island test fate by riding the horses in The Scorpio Races. Sean Kendrick is the returning champion. Kate (Puck) Connelly never intended to enter the races, but must do so to hold on to her brother for as long as possible. As the first female to ever enter the race, and the only one not on a capaill uisce, the odds are stacked against her. Even after striking out on Maggie's Wolves of Mercy Falls novel, I decided to give this one a try, since it seemed so very different from her previous series. That, and the fact that it was selected as my March title for Tell Me What to Read sealed the deal. Told from alternating perspectives, the story begins in a time that was unclear to me. There are cars and other mentions of technology, but nothing else that could firmly cement it in one time or another. Readers who really enjoy a fast plot with exciting twists and turns will find that The Scorpio Races does not fit the bill. But, as one who loves characters that jump (or in this case gallop) right off the page, I didn't mind the slow pace of the plot. I enjoyed taking my time to get to know Puck and Sean and their motivations behind entering the very dangerous Scorpio Races. As I mentioned before, the writing in the Wolves of Mercy Falls really didn't speak to me. But, the writing in this one just hit the spot. From the very first page I felt the danger of the races. But, I also felt the atmosphere. The salt in the air and the sand that gets everywhere. The fever pitch of the excitement of the festival. Puck's desperation and need to keep her brother close. Her pull to the island. All of it was beautifully crafted and created a sense of magic through the entire book. So, chalk one up for the man-eating horses. Because I loved this book.

2020-08-15 07:54

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